Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hon Dashi


I've been in San Antonio the past two weekends. It's been tiring.

San Antonio can be hard sometimes because I can only transport so much. When I cook over there, I can say that I'm minimally stocked. My sister has started cooking, which is a good thing and I can introduce her to new ingredients. It is very nice to have someone I can bounce cooking ideas off of. While my parents were in New York, I had to fend for myself in terms of breakfast:

Breakfast of champions right here: Plantains, Purple Yams. Lava eggs

I was relieved to get back to my kitchen. As of late, I've been on a miso soup craze just because I found out the secret ingredient: Hon Dashi. 

For the longest time I would dump miso paste til kingdom come trying to achieve the saltiness of regular restaurant miso soup. Having grown up in a time before "google it" was the answer for everything, looking on the internet was not my first inclination. I actually found this out while trying to find another way to use miso paste. My miso soup is no longer saturated with miso to the point of it being powdery. I'm a happy camper. 

I've been going a little miso soup crazy lately. Here's my general routine. 

Boil water
Add a teaspoon of Hon Dashi
Dump tofu, mushrooms, bok choy into boiling broth
Add a tablespoon of miso paste

I can even make it more hearty and eat it with rice. Life is nice. I feel like I'm gaining more survival skills. 

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